JULY  2013
Leaving Kalgoorlie we drive back to Norsemen and turn east on the Nullabor. First night we spent at Fraser Range, a sheep station that now survives on  providing caravan and camping facilities. We were told there are to many wild dogs out there for sheep to survive these days.
The Nullabor is now quite a busy highway with trucks plying between east and west. There is still a long way between fuel stops and water is generally not available for filling caravan tanks etc.
 The road has been realigned a good way to the south from the original infamous bull dust track of old and a good part now runs quite close to the coast providing access to spectacular coastal cliffs and whale watching in season.
We spent two nights near Cocklbiddy leaving the van at a telecom tower site and driving the rough track to the Eyre telegraph station on the coast which is now a bird  conservatory.
The original telegraph line is still standing in places, Blue had to have a piece of the wire as a memento.
tele tower
Telecom tower camp site

Eyre telgraph station track     Click this link for video of track, you can see the old telegraph poles in one section.

Next night we camped on the Bunda cliffs and walked down to the sea next morning before leaving, great outlook and weather is holding.
nulla camp
nulla 2
wendy explore

road sign
We didn't see any camels or wombats but many we spoke to had.

Next day we stopped at the head of the bight where Southern right whales congregate at this time of year, there is good infrastructure provided for viewing and of course there is a fee for access. Lots of whales some quite close. Camped at a rest area near here for the night.

whales 1
whales 2
whales 3
Then into Ceduna where we spent a couple of days looking at the area. Busy Port and has become reasonable size town.

From Ceduna to Streaky bay, a popular holiday destination, caravan park right on the bay with a pleasant aspect. There is a museum of old engines here all working, if this is your thing more than a couple of hours is required. Blue was enthralled and had the attention of the attendant for hours, he started several of the old pluggers, the pair of them were like excited school kids in a lolly shop.
Streaky bay old engine museum

camp streaky
Streaky Bay caravan park site

storm streaky
Storm brewing over Streaky Bay
From here down the western side of the Eyre peninsula to Elliston, Coffin bay and Port Lincoln. Again very scenic coast, there are many out of the way places to visit that most travellers bypass.
Coast near Elliston off the beaten track a little

Yep that's pretty clear. The overhangs really are like that.

blow holes
Wild coast , picture doesn't do it justice. This is on a good day
Click here for video southern ocean

Lincoln lookout
View over Port Lincoln from lookout hill

The resident Pelican at the Port Lincoln Caravan park.

We visited a museum set on a farm outside Lincoln, it was exceptional quality and pretty much all work done by volunteers

old trucks
Done a bit these ones

old cars
Koppio Smithy museum near Port Lincoln


Tractors some still run

barbed wire
A whole section dedicated to the history of Barbed wire, fascinating.

original ride on
Original ride on

From Port Lincoln we set off up the eastern coast of the Eyre peninsula through Tumby Bay, Arno Bay, Port Neil and into Whyalla where we joined a tour of the steel works.
whyalla mill
Whyalla Mill
Steel billets, product of mill, each more than 20 Tonnes

Up to Port Augusta then over to Peterborough
top of spencer gulf
Just out of Port Augusta, turned to the south down the eastern side of Spencer Gulf.
part of Flinders Ranges in back ground.

Over the Spencer Gulf from Hancock's look out.

steam world
Steam world Peterborough well worth a few hours, very well presented with a good tour.

old cattle wagon
Old stock wagon.

old carriage
Any one remember the days.

Then down to the historic town of Burra about 160ks north of Adelaide.

Burra has a lot of interesting history being the site of a gold mine in the 1850's, now primarily grazing.

A few pics across the range of interest.
hamton ruins
Hampton ruins, short distance from Burra, mostly miners who wanted to be independent of the Company land holdings and conditions.
hampton ruins 2
This one still stands from1860's

burra pump house
Burra mine pump house, once housed an amazing steam driven pump to pump out the mine.

Burra cellars
Old Burra Brewery cellars where the barrels of beer were aged.

Burra sweet shop
Old sweet shop.

From here we set out for Adelaide to catch up with Friends Sue and Allan who have invited us to join them for a week on Kangaroo Island.
The van is parked at Sues parents house and we drive to Cape Jervis at the bottom of the Fleureu Peninsula to catch the ferry to KI.

KI ferry
KI Ferry terminal
KI depart
On the ferry

A Laugh despite the temperature

Mathew Flinders hill
Mathew Flinders climbed up here for look about.
It is the narrowest point on the island both North and South coast can be seen.

seal colony KI
Seal Colony KI

seal pup KI
Seal Pup KI

KI Buggered
Late home and buggered
click here for video Sea lions
Click here for video Seals

KI sheep
Sheep at the KI sheep Dairy

KI old plough
Just liked this, I can hear the farmer cajoling the bullocks to work harder, straining and snorting.
KI Kale walks
Wendy just learns her grandson is walking.
Big Thanks to Sue and Allan for a great week on KI.

Back to Adelaide and head for Cairns to catch up with Lauren and Ryder and attend Kris and Ally's wedding.
see you next month.